Advancing the scientific and clinical development of photodynamic therapy, photomedicine, photodisinfection, and photodiagnosis.

Board Member Nominations 2025

Nomination Deadline:
May 5, 2025


IPA Board Member Nomination Form

About the Board: There are currently 15 elected members of the IPA Board including early career members. Five Board seats are open serving 2 year terms. To ensure continuity, the Past President is automatically awarded a board seat in the 2 year term following their presidency.

Current Election: At this time 5 Board seats are open. All IPA members are welcome and encouraged to nominate themselves for any Board position; self nomination is encouraged and expected. To be eligible for nomination for a Board of Directors position, the Nominee must be a member in good standing and must be willing to volunteer a minimum 25 hours a year for IPA related duties. The President will be elected by the new Board of Directors and must have been first elected to the Board by current members.

The elections will be held in June, and all current IPA members will be eligible to vote. These rules are subject to change depending on applicant pool.


Please complete the nomination form below. All information will be kept confidential except for your name, your city of residence, the position you are running for, and that information specifically provided to the electorate in the designated box below.