Colin Hopper Elected President of the International Photodynamic Association
Tampere, Finland, July 13, 2023 -- At the 18th International Photodynamic Association World Congress in Tampere, Finland, Dr. Colin Hopper, MD FRCS(Ed) FDSRCS was elected to President of the International Photodynamic Association for a two-year term. The Board and members of the IPA wish to thank past President Professor Luis Arnaut for his significant contributions to the organization during his leadership over the last 4 years.
Colin Hopper: Incoming IPA Board of Directors President 2023-2025
Colin Hopper has been involved with Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) for over 30 years, initially working with Photofrin® and ALA, but then exploring the use of Foscan® in a number of pathological conditions. He developed a number of image guided techniques for interstitial treatments in the head and neck and has run many hands on workshops around Europe and at IPA conferences. He ran the first in human studies on photochemical internalisation and demonstrated the safety and acceptability of this approach.
Dr. Hopper has also worked on optical diagnostics with elastic and inelastic scattering as well as fluorescence and optical coherence tomography. All of his work has been clinically focused and he has stated his intention to expand this technology for greater patient benefit. The area of antimicrobial resistance and the need for antiviral therapies is a great opportunity for antimicrobial PDT (photodisinfection) and an area where the IPA could act as a champion of this therapy.
Nowhere is this more important than in low to middle income countries where conventional therapies have limited availability and the work in Brazil and projects in India validate this approach.
Dr. Hopper completed his medical and dental degrees at Guys Hospital. Then, after registration he undertook 2 years of general surgery training at the Royal Marsden in London and Queen Marys Hospital Sidcup. During this time he gained primary FRCS.
He completed higher training at University College Hospital, The Eastman dental hospital and Institute, Great Ormond Street, St Marys Hospital before completing his training at the Queen Victoria Hospital East Grinstead. During this time he completed his FRCS (Ed) and FDS (surgical and dental surgical fellowships). Dr. Hopper was appointed consultant Senior Lecturer 1991 at the Eastman/University College Hospital and completed his doctorate (MD U Lond) in 2005.
Incoming president, Colin Hopper (right) and outgoing IPA Board President, Luis Arnaut (left) Tampere, Finland July 2023
Incoming president, Colin Hopper (right) and outgoing IPA Board President, Luis Arnaut (left) Tampere, Finland July 2023
About the IPA
The International Photodynamic Association (IPA) was founded in 1986 to support and endorse the scientific advancement and clinical development of photomedicine, in particular in the areas of photodynamic disinfection, photodynamic therapy (PDT), photoimmunotherapy (PIT), and photodiagnosis (PD). With members and associates from over 30 countries, the IPA represents a truly global community consisting of prominent international scientists, clinical and translational researchers, healthcare professionals and students across academic, hospital, government and private sector organizations. The IPA promotes the study of diagnosis and treatment using light-activated photosensitizers and disseminates scientific information to its members, the research community, and to the community at large. The IPA organizes a Biennial World Congress, providing members and non-members a unique opportunity to share and learn more about global developments and research in photodynamic therapy, photoimmunotherapy and photodiagnosis.