How Light Controls Behavior of Molecules, Cells, Organisms and Ecosystems over Time Scales of Femtoseconds to Eons
March 4 - 9, 2018
ChairKatrina T. Forest
Vice ChairJohn T. Kennis
Renaissance Tuscany Il Ciocco
Via Giovanni Pascoli
Lucca (Barga), IT
Conference Description
Living organisms harness light energy, activate repair pathways, and change their observable behaviors based on information contained in the spectral qualities of illuminating light. The macromolecular photosensors that underly these abilities have evolved to couple photophysical and photochemical processes that occur on femtosecond timescales to cellular changes over minutes, organismal responses over seasons and ecosystem adaptations over eons. Similarly, researchers have been able to delve deeply into photosensory signal transduction pathways by employing a remarkable array of classical and modern experimental techniques to match these phenomena. Applications of human design principles to create photosensor-based tools for imaging, control of gene expression and protein interactions, and ultimately improvements to human health have capitalized on basic research findings in the field of Photosensory Receptors.
Every oral session at this GRC will include space for talks selected from submitted abstracts to highlight recent results and junior researchers. All attendees are important contributors to poster sessions, spontaneous conversations and collaborative discussions. We value the participation in the GRC and associated GRS of researchers with diverse scientific, geographic and cultural perspectives. An important goal of this meeting is to ensure the vital engagement of well-known masters, junior researchers, and scientists from allied disciplines who together will grow and shape the field.